Gratitude Journaling Start your day with counting your blessings. Journal what you are grateful for, what makes you happy and brings you peace. Journalling your thoughts and appreciation for little things will help you bring a positive perspective to your life. It will also give you an optimistic outlook. Journalling will help you give strength to take on the stressful day head-on.
Visualise the future Tough days happen but they don't last for long. Fast forward to a month from now, think happy thoughts, think about things you want to do and will be doing. Visualising the future helps to give a long-term perspective that helps us detach ourself from the overwhelming stress of today. This really calms me down and I hope it does the same for you.
Celebrate small accomplishments It may be a task you completed or an email you sent or just any task that you have been putting off for a while. Actively find things to be proud of and let that cheer your spirits up. It might be easy to feel demotivated but finding wins in small tasks will instantly lift your spirits and get you motivated to tackle the day ahead.
Remove yourself from negative conversations We all have to face tough days and sometimes it is impossible to not feel negative. On such days the best thing you can do for yourself and your mental health is to isolate and distance yourself from the negative people. Maintain a positive environment and mindset by keeping away from the people who can bring your day down. Don't let the negativity suck up all your energy.
Engage yourself in self-development activities Learn a new skill or take up a new course. Invest some time in self-improvement and self development activities. There are plethora of courses and workshops that are being conducted virtually. Such courses not only helps you distract from the negativity but also helps you add on a new skill or value to your life. We are conducting STYLE FUNDAMENTAL workshop very soon at a steal price of only INR 99. In this workshop you will learn the fundamentals, the how's and why's of dressing well. To know more message us on Instagram or leave a comment down below or contact us at +91-9810000799.
Create a calm environment around When you are under stress a chaotic surrounding can further make your day go further south. It is practically impossible to find peace and calm in a cluttered space. Take 10 minutes to clean out your space, arrange your work desk, create a peaceful and relaxing environment and see the magic happen. Tough times are inevitable. But there is so much that you could do to handle the pressure and stress that tough times brings along with little bit ease. Learn to put your best foot forward while dealing with unpleasant times. Try out these five tips next time you feel worn out and anxious. Let us know how you found our blog. Also let us know what other topic would you like us to talk about. Follow us on Instagram @Urstylecoach for more regular updates. Until next time, Stay stylish and stay safe.
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